
What hold for india in next 10 years

 World is a very unique place as i am aging i can see how narrow the world is how much selfish peoples are here only concerning there self interest it not a unique thing whats human have been doing with other creation on this earth if they repeat the same action with humanity nothing to feel amazed about.People have become too cold to the pain of others seeing all these mine hatred towards humanity is increasing with each passing days except most of the people are just liability on this earth .The more i am finding world in this way the more love towards nature is growing the more i am loving myself and more i find more connected relations in my writings and readings.I do not wants mine kid to be like most of the people on this world i wants them to be more simple and kind the world is not for them to consume but to make it more beautiful then it is now.Its pain to see plastic wrapper being thrown here and there like we are keeping our house clean forgetting we are making nature dirty

Moringa tree

 Today i planted Moringa tree from stem we have one similar tree in front of our house since it grows very fast so i planted one stem which broke from it behind our house.I have erected the banana sapling which i uprooted from mother banana few days ago due to heavy rain the baby banana plant was bend.There are fruiting in my guava tree i put some soil around it since its becoming heavy on top and there is a fare chance that its may fall due to its own weight.There is one fruit which is little big big now and can be eaten in next 2 weeks.The maize have also fruited but due to rain water accumulating the fruits have not yet ripen.I have grafted one banana baby near my bedroom window and there is also one arhul flower which i rooted recently while pruning the mother plant.I am deciding to plant one gooseberry some mango 2 pomegranate,champa,rajnigandha plant sooner.I will also plant about 20 papaya and 10 banana good breed in backyard of my house the idea is to solve the fruit and vegeta

AI In Clinical Trial

 How AI can help in clinical trial we have data of says 100 crore people like every day activity and there living style now how a particular drug can affect them we can see from AI clinical testing suppose some person have different chemical activity within there body then the drug will affect them differently this wa a dream which i saw yesterday and i am working on it.

Sector Study

 Now i am interested in Biotech sector because this is the sector which would requires the most AI use i need to understand some basics things in the industry like-Why Biotech,When it started and what are primary needs in Biotech,who are the players and where is it moving towards to.

Me and what next.

 Yesterday i saw dream where Anju was with me and we were on 3rd floor of a building in which we were living for a long time its so append that she enter the building through backdoor which was locked by the owner of the room i went through the same exit with my laptop suddenly lady owner of the house arrives.She thought me as a thief which i denied and told her that i have leaved here for a long time and showed her my laptop as well the son of the lady told that he would break my laptop i though it better to keep quite and let the police arrives in the scene.Now i know i am looking for teacher job even though its paying very less about 30,000 PM but its a day job and i will be free after noon that means i will have ample time to do mine study or work on my own consulting business.Business have been more fragile now days due to technology advance and they wants to make as much capital as they can within short period of time.Also due to heavy population labor is in high amount and emplo

Age 37 years old-Whats next

 Age 37 years old-Whats next  Now i am seems life is slipping each day from my hand i am not getting job in mine sector even if i get the job its not certain that i will survive in this sales roles many things are not in our control and we cannot do anything except our effort this is the most bad part of this work.Although its gave me a lots of things in my life i did almost everything in mine life though this work now there is recession in the industry and i am bored with night shift as well.So whats the solution the solution is to go to mine core which i enjoy i.e reading and writing exploring new business ,investment opportunity i am very much interested in AI and how it can increase efficiency of different sector so i have started reading stats and Python building AI application i mine nest work.Academia is now mine next goal and keep learning about AI+investment tech sector+Business this are the areas which i am focusing now.Sooner the whole world will have AI in every application

Nifty 600 plus and then 1000 down

 Between today and tomorrow the nifty rallied up 600 plus yesterday and down 1000 point today i have never seen so much fluctuation in my entire career. I would have double my money today had i bought some PE option which i have added in my watch list i follow my mentors who prohibit me to make money from option market and do only investing when market falls i could have made bulk amount had i have done what suits me.No worry although its seems i miss something but still i will see lot more opportunity before me . What does it teaches me it teaches me simple thing to buy both PE and CE when some big event are about to come and then sell them after 6 times return both put and call free myself from emotions.I am working on my EQ