
Showing posts from August, 2020

Made a learning investment of 1000 rs

Today i made a learning investment of 1000 rs i always fear of losses and then this things happend i never bets on nifty for this reason i am a trend follower and once the trend is up i jump and book profit and goes away but things did not worked out and i made a fatal mistake i must learnt not to buy nifty at mkt price but to put atleast 40 percent below and sl at 5 perecent below

Portfolio Bulding and Sector Analysis

Now i am carrying deep research in Pharma and Healthcare in worldwide and India and whats are future scope and major player in. Lets start with Pharma and then shift to Healthcare we will cover this things 1] Pharma and Healthcare Market of the world 2] Major Player and major problems they are solving 3]Blue Ocean in this sector 4]Earning  5]How a startups can create a blue ocean for it self 6]Future Direction and earning

Investing and Trading Idea

 Today i saw a ted video which recommended buying in index when it falls below 15 percent or 25 percent.I need to work on 3-4 segments  1] SIP per month investment 2]  option buying and selling -trading and hedging,commodity,forex 3] Penny Stocks 1000 rs 1 share only 4]Buying when everyone is selling in valued stocks

Tithing 10 percent of mine equity earned money

From now onward i ll tithe 10 percent of mine trading money to orphanage and old age home and animals right educate and feed children take care of ill people