
Showing posts from September, 2020

Amaya birthday 19 Sep 2020

 Yesterday was Amaya's birthday we have been preparing for it for the early morning and were busy till midnight so i did not get time to write this Amaya mother had always complain that i do not write on Amaya so i m writing for you Dear Amaya this is your 2nd birthday when i first saw you it was in Siwan at your maternal's uncle house you were so little that i feel frightened to lift you.Now you are almost running and recognizing our words and meaning of the words as well.Amaya you are born in a wonderful world with wonderful flora and fauna, you have potential to be what ever you wants but you need to put effort in it.Human's priority and desires changes with time mine have changed yours too will change as well Today world is under a big pandemic covid19 it has cause loss of lakhs of life and job the most effected population are the low income people who were totally employed in unorganized sector what had been badly hit by covid19 but the situation will not be always lik