
Showing posts from May, 2024


Today's its May 11 2024 i am establishing my consulting staffing firm the problem with today's youth is that they wants something instantly but things take time even nature have blossoming time.Entrepreneurship i a very exciting game if everything is right and business blossom then it requires routine care and it can bear fruit till next disruption occurs in the market due to technology.Due to rapid  technology emergence

How AI/ML are going to change the world

Till now what i have done i have read as much as i can whatever book i have found at my deposition the result is that i become more ignorant there are so much things to read and discover it seems that i was reading mindlessly now i have started a different approach of reading  i am selecting topic and reading them as much as i can about them ML ad AI can be one lets start with this very topic and reading nothing except this for 1 month AI and ML is going to be the next revolution in the world we already have seen Industrial revolution and Information revolution now its AI revolution the market capitalization of pvt companies are becoming trillion due to IT revolution in future we will see ballooning them to 10 trillion.AI and ML are good things they will change most of the traditional things in our life they will make them optimize we will see maximum output with minimum input.We will equipped mechanical devices with AI and they will replace us everywhere from Farm to  Hospitals OT.Thi

Childhood Memories

 Its really important to ask about someone childhood memories this tells the real personality of a people. How do i see myself i see similar to as i was during mine childhood days to make enough money to be financial free and then enter politics that is how i can bring some reforms in my country. How do you think a country is developed where everyone has basic life warranty.