Its a new year day 2024 arrives as usual years but has things changed for me have i shredded some habit and added the universe is control by nature of the elements like every thing is due to the nature now we can personified them and name them god this is what our mythology have done now Brahm is above all these .

Now since nature do exist so there is Maya which helps in creating all this stories.There is myth that Moksha can only be attended when one dies its not true Moskha is possible only when we are alive how this its feels is a thing which i a topic of study for me.How it can be attended by physically attached to this world since we are bounded by Maya from all side and there is no escape from it if we leave Maya and ends this body then point of Moksha remains unattended as well.

If i self introspect my life till now i would find that i have gone through different phases both of mind and body but the feeling and though that i have now i did not have that previously the life which i am living is simple its not something unique most of people on the earth are living the same life.Its a cycle of birth, gathering and death with a combination or some sorrow and some happiness.Becoming liberated from this worldly nature while still being in the world is the real purpose of life.I have read geeta and found that arjun is nature krishna is brahm and the enemy is the quality that is bounding us to the world although Maya is good without this world can not be keep running.To do one duties unselfishnessly and liberated from the Maya and attend Brahm is the sole principle of life.


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