My Motivation of Work

Mine motivation in any things can can sum upto two things

1]Business and investing prespective price appreciation or capital inflow
2]Humanaitarian -is itcan do someting good for society or people

After reading Atomic habbit i have developed some good habbit as it told to make good habbit a routine automation work amalgamate it in your daily habbit and make it attractive
1]So after rising up i drink a lots of water
1]I do exerice after coming from washroom a automation routine
3]i read after completing mine exercise
3]i mediate during working hr atleast 5 mins
4]i write blogs every day if its only for 5 mins atleat the author mentioned to practise good habbit once should practise them each day for atleast 5 mins only even if one feels like not doing it 5 mins is nothing as a time but its routine forming habbit.
5]to watch ted talks or watch google talks when i m watching unecessary stuffs on youtube this one i needs to practise


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