Life of a COMMONER

Today i dreamt an extremely differnet things  i saw myself in a camp in my kolkata were we are staying alotogether all people rich powerful and poor were are sleeping with our own sheets Amitabh Bachaan is also sleeping behind me i am crticzing him on every topic  that i m getting he is already upset with lot sof criticsm previusly  but he is sleeping when i wake uo in the mid of night to drink some water i saw the common bottle lying before him i saw water were spilled around it i took the bottle the bottle cap was not fittted properly so i began criticzing him that rich people do not care evern to fit the cap well and bla bla then i saw him and i told him sorry he told why you criticise me so much i when rich and poor both are human i told him rich are sitting at a high place were things ae more clearer and they are self made means thay were themself poor before becoming rich and so they should take care of others.
All public was watching me thinking what the mess i have put myself in suddenly him son comes with two big bouncer Amitabh told him took this boy to top floor and tell the cops that you are taking him i feel very distree with this situation.
How a common people can become rich and powerful one needs to make something worth or  particpate in hugheb wealth potential sector like for me derivative trading and buying stacks and company running mine own company build something which people are willing to pay for.
1st of life build wealth and buying stake in companies second part to be come politicain fight for a better cause and uplifment of humanity and developement 3rd part of life publishing lifetime events in a book 4 th part of life teaching and mentoring others.


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