Were to build our House

The most controversial topic for us is to were to make our house we are weighing some of the option like kolkata,Matuli,Gorakhpur,Khalilabd,Noida.These are all the possible locations we need to choose the best option in them i.e which is both feasible and good in long term.
So lets choose one by one option first we will start with Kolkata were we are born and had our schooling.

1] Kolkata

Why choose
Our maternal uncle are living there as we have spend our childhood there so we have some emotional connection with it most of my friends are living there whom i can meet on daily basis and spend some good time with them.The dishes are awesome there the roll ,chicken pakora baudi chowmein surjo kumar modak rasgolla ,mritonjay sweets and kachori and other stuffs.
What we will choose
We will loose of Matuli land  and most of our relative are living there in Khalilabad and Gkp.
We can start some small business there as the market is still growing and there is lots on untapped potenitail.Further when we become old we will not be able to go to our village as it will to far place to travel.so we will ditch  this option

2] Matuli
We can make house any time so its not a big deal we will make 2 room and hall bathroom for some days visit there so it also ditched

3] Noida

Noida can we a choice but here the land are forgery and taking plot is a big deal further my money can get blocked here location of the plot is a big deal here better to buy a plot cheaply sold or buy a flat  cheap one 15 lakh range and stay here.


It can be good option as its a city center and city is growing remarkably it can be lucknow or noida in future but the whole idea is to take a lot were congestion will not be an issue as usually happeend when a village is being converted to city.
But mode of transport are easy here so it can be best choice but we need to take a room rent here before building our house.

5]Khalilabd-Its a village still growing cheap plot can be bought here and made in house its a best place to make house as we can stay  in matuli house and make our house here its very easy here.


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