
Showing posts from August, 2023


  we check the data  ------------------------------- 1] 2]df.columns 3]def.head 4]df.tail 5]df.isnull.sum() 6]df.describe 7] df.describes

Jobs vs career

Jobs vs career  only 2 percent of people have career rest have jobs  we need jobs to cover our expenses its none desire to rub there ass for 9 hr in one place and do things even if he/she dont wants to do it.The best way to overcome this is to earn and learn as well.Mine deep desire is always to travel


What i have thought of going back to my home home town i would continue with my freelancing in staffing and keep ups killing my data science works my main motive it to either start a company or be a shareholder in a rapid growing company and industry.  

How to bring back that childish spark

 When we were child or as a teen the world would look different it appears more exciting and fearsome this was mainly due to  new experiences and no monetary responsibility although we have financial crunches most of the time yet we enjoyed life more now as we proceed in life and as things become more routine we are loosing that sparks now to regain that we need to continue doing new things it can be 1] learning new language 2] going to different places 3] trying different business and jobs 4]trying new food 5]trying new hobby 5] trying any thing that i have not done yet. 1]ladakh trip 2]ocean view 3]swimming pool 4] telescope 5]elephant riding 6]jungle safari 7]rajasthan visit 8]taking family for a tour 9]foreign tour 10]flying 11]gliding 12]scuba diving 13]world tour 14]camping 15]cross country biking 16]trying differnt food never eaten before 17]reading different books -subject which i never touched 18]meditating  19] hill climbing 20]cross country marathon

Bharat Lands on Moon-Begin of new phase for Bharat

 The Moon have different meaning at different ages in our life as a child we calls it Mama,married women looks for it on chauth so that there husband would have a long life,towards unmarried women its a sign for there prince who will come one day to woe her.Sooner we will see peoples going to moon for tour just like any other location on earth.Its really a great achievement for a 3 trillion dollar economy to do India is on the right path i have heard from lots of indian scholars who repeatedly told us to copy technology from the west but let them copy our civilization and culture.India is choosing the same path which made it a great nations in the past.Some times it hearts me so less indians in core teach and research sectors in spite of a population if 1.4 billion 65 percent population below 45 years  we need to be generator of next tesla,apple,facebook,google. Things will improve drastically in next 10 years due to large investment in infrastructure sectors whether its in digital or

Without job Since June 26 2023 - last Job at Sira

 I has been almost 2 months since i lost my job due to recession in IT Mkt in USA lots of people i found in staffing are nearby my age running there own staffing firm with 100 plus headcount.I did not done any sales role in my career so i could not have any client but i have started doing it recently and have already added 3 clients of my own.This job less period is teaching me lot about building personal relationship powerful people by being one of them.People are getting jobs but only who have very strong network in the industry. I am also getting more ignored due to the time i am undergoing i know every one have there own struggle in there life and that adds only more strength to this spirit and body but before that it will break me to certain level i am using this time to do tapasya and add more clients,knowledge,strength,skills to myself.Things that i am doing now days are  1]Data Sci and ML,AI 2]Blog writings 3]German language learning 4]Teaching my daughter chess 5]Meditation -


Its a book written by Khuswant singh the writer began to write at age 82 years and completed it when he was 85 years age.The book is on a fictitious life of Indian Mohan Kumar a Princeton University Grad he is divorcee with 2 children.He have sex relations with several women in his life time during his grad years.After divorce he was fade up with any serous relations and wanted only causal sex relations which he got from his maid name Dhano he got some reply as well from the advertisement he gave in the newspaper regarding his search for a women who can stay with him for a couple of days like a living relations partner he would pay for that he choose one professor as a living relation partner for this she was married to a NRI Canadian who went on absconding once it was discovered that he is already married to a gori mam in canada but the professor already conceived baby from him and gave birth to a boy.The enjoyed great time together till she need to go to his home town for her college


 Becoming a full time investor is the goal that i am trying to achieve although investment cycles are long and none knows how long may be as long as the story is attaches to the investment i really difficult to draw expenses from investment when one is just growing own portfolio so we need some secondary income for sometime to sustain us during that period of time . I saw interview of Vijay Kedia in which he told his primary work is to think and connects things together and check how that effects his investment. Mine business is same to think and allocates fund where i find the maximum ROI for that i need to read a lost,connects things together and observe people well.


  The hard money that i earned in mine paste 9 years which i used to build house in mine village which i found most feasible to do during the pandemic where i would go if the city demands sudden flee .Now mine whole family do not wants to come here although i find every thing well here up govt is spending a lots interms of infra development.Mine mother has also become old and its pain to see her cooking 3 times food and doing all the house hold chore with a broken leg  can some one be so stones heart not to see this as a problem only finding his/her pleasure or due to ego and what to do with such people - when she is one's own spouse.I know it requires strict decision from my side but i am afraid also as i have 2 small daughter whose life will become miserable as well.The whole problem is mine job which i have lost due to recession ,business have there cycle and this day will also pass sooner. So whats the remedy for this the remedy is to keep mine expenses down and diversify my in


                                                                Matuli It has been 10 days since i am staying here i learnt a lot by being here  nature appears to be more in its wide form here.Somehow i had learnt that where ever we are there are some people who are always more smarter then us in some sector.It keeps us humble.Everything things appears so clearer people have different challenges and aspiration life is more simpler with less consumption driven due to low income bracket it is causing less havoc to nature.With so much moment in body due to routine work i my digestive system have become excellent.I am eating neem leaves daily,learning to code in python and spending rest time in searching staffing jobs,freelancing and working in our small kitchen garden. There are lots of things going parallel y in my mind i am out of job now but i have a family which i need to support so i am applying for job in staffing sector though its not a very exciting sector but i have done that onl