Professions Exagerated

 Do one subject have or one profession have more importance then other i think every professions which is doing good to humanity without compromising with the well being of flora,fauna and earth itself is an noble profession although money is required to stay in this society but money cannot be a sole selection of professions but it it would decide our profession than it would take most of the charms of life then we start to escape the profession on the pretext of holidays.That's the reason why today's generation are living in a world where they believe they need to party hard after they worked hard but these are the process of forgetting there mental exploitation that they have done to themself.Profession should be chosen such that one never recognize that one have worked in there entire life time just flew away and one is amazed when one gets pays for them.I like to connect things together and predict the future i would do this things without a single dine its my hobby to questions things why is it so and how can it would be made something better then it was.In investing world i try to connect things together how new demands and trend are generated.New things excites me now days i am learning AI and its application in Healthcare,Education,Employment,Agriculture and Pollution control.This are the primary verticals of rural India to grow.The more i am near nature the more its astonishes me i have cut one papaya tree because its was not bearing fruits but the stems are still green even after 5 days i am amazed how much life a dead stem have within itself if we throw a flesh within 5 days it will rot and smell.We think our-self as more advanced creature but even a plant have much more capability then us although its not able to move from its place


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