
Showing posts from May, 2020

Ate Chicken Today

Today is sunday and as all other people do usually on sunday i thoght of ordering chicken i had been raining al night yesterday and weather had become little cold mine cooler first time in this month is giving cool air during the day time. I order chicken from fleshkart thinking online ecommerce would be a trusted resource to order food then an unknown gali meat shop.I order 301 rs chicke but the guy who took the order did not showed off for a log time and then he told sir order aaj naahi hopaiag akaal hogha i told him to cancel my order and refund the money. We used to eat chicken when i was in school 

Skill and Career

I wants not any particular thing sto study but study all subject or select a topic and study on it it can be from Space Science or Geogrpahy or Panademic or Statics or data scince or medicine or anything i needs to study all topic that i find interesting and create blog on it mine own analysis and test. Some of the topic i have made list to study 1]How world changed in 1000 years 2]Automation is creating job or creating unemployement 3]Covid 19 4]Space and life and future prospect 5]Immortality 6]Gap between rich and poor and how to deal with it 7]world economy 8]disease free country 9]waste recyvle water management and energy issue 10]Population control and better life style 11]Art of writing 12]Art and music study 14]Architecture 15]Agriculture and engineering 16]accounting and commerce

Bought United Breweries and United Sprits

I bought United Breweries and United Sprits as the Alchol market in india was damages due to covid but now the govt had started to deliver alcohol to home so there would be sudden demand of alcohol so the price of the equity will increase due to this so i bought them and made a 20 perecent gain and exited.

Target to achieve

1] Rs 30000 PM 60 percent salary to SIP and Emergency Fund 2] Data Science and Economic Study

Crisis What the Next

The next would be to collect data of employee who have lost there jobs and when the conomic boom they would be placed as soon as possbile.Stffing industry will boom but when i do not know the workforce that had been fired will return back.This is the best time to start a buiness and looks for better option on what to to do next i keep doing my staffing job and 

Live in Noida with House and Office -Business Owner

live in Noida and brings all family here to take a plot and build house stay comfortably have  business in Noida

Firing in ACS

Almost all industry are going in turnmoil due to COVID 19 this phase is also phase of learning and it teaches life lesson what i have learnt from this Panademic is that one should always keeps liquid fund in bank atleat 12 months of living expernses  myturns its 25,000*12=3 lakh rs,first arrange for this fund then invest were you wants to invest. Second earns when the days are good make multiple income resources makes your bets big are as small are equivalent to nothing. Never ever sell yourself short because company will always pays less then you deserve. If i m fire rom my current job then i wll apply for wfh were ever i can get staffing work. Concentrate more on mine trading skills and writing blogs about mine day to day improvement reads books which i always wants to do. As sun shine well after a heavy strorm so after every turnmoil nature becomes stable its the universe law.Nothing can be always in the state of chaos things become normal.

My Motivation of Work

Mine motivation in any things can can sum upto two things 1]Business and investing prespective price appreciation or capital inflow 2]Humanaitarian -is itcan do someting good for society or people After reading Atomic habbit i have developed some good habbit as it told to make good habbit a routine automation work amalgamate it in your daily habbit and make it attractive 1]So after rising up i drink a lots of water 1]I do exerice after coming from washroom a automation routine 3]i read after completing mine exercise 3]i mediate during working hr atleast 5 mins 4]i write blogs every day if its only for 5 mins atleat the author mentioned to practise good habbit once should practise them each day for atleast 5 mins only even if one feels like not doing it 5 mins is nothing as a time but its routine forming habbit. 5]to watch ted talks or watch google talks when i m watching unecessary stuffs on youtube this one i needs to practise 6]
Kolkata is in amids of biggest natural crisis a cycle name Amphan the metrological dept told its the biggest cyclon hitting kolkata in 500 years. Today when the East Coast is so much affected the entire nation is not aware of it media is not giving it coverage,the whole media was enaged in covid 19 case then they channelised to jammati then to migrat worker crisis and now they were busy in covering migrant worker then this crisis knocked india. I would say most of the things are due to the current ruling party in west bengal which tottaly runs on minority vote bank.Mamata Banerjee which is the present CM of the states thinks that if she stands with the common people in there crisis then it will solve the issue this will not solve the issue what is requird is a more open communication with central govt and other countries govt to help them in this crisis no one state or location can sustain without cooperation of others this has happened is hunter society then to agaragarian and th

What can not be written can not be acheived

I begin the blog with the pharse mention in the title -What can not be written can not be acheived' its a well said quote so i am today mentioning the things which i will achieve in next 5 years 1] 6 lak Rs for Matuli House and Godown (processing machine) till Dec 2020 - Work Completion - deadline Dec 2021 travel-Nepal travel with family 2] Account Manager US Staffing job Salary 1.5 lakh PM-Jan -2021 Andaman Travel with family 3] Uttkasrha Tech work started - parallely with job - Staffing,tech,investment,open to all other business area as its a startups - income pm 2 lakh - Dec-2022 Norway Travel with family 4] Noida plot and house 30 lakh - Dec 2023 Europe travel 5]Succesfully running Uttkasrha Tech group business  and Food processing plant in Khlilabad- Dec 2025 revenue- 10 lakh pm plus world travel with family

Failure on Indian Goverment to tackle COVID 19 and Mass Migration of migrant workers

Indian govt had failed in its motto of Sabka Saath Vikash by doing sudden lockdown in entire country they gave only 4 days for people from other state to go back to there village which results in great chaos and death of lots of migrant who are travelling by road to 1000 kms on foot which is still continuing when i am writing this blogs. One such accident occured recently when 16 migrant workers were crsuhed to death by goods railway when they were laying on railway tracks after a hectic walk during the day they thought that all train were cancel due to lockdown.In other such incident one pregnant lady had labour pain when she was on her way to village fromMumbai she gave birth on highway and carried her baby for almost 170 km when the local polce saw them and helped them. Why did the govt did not made suitable place for halt for the migrant labour on highways so that they could rest and continue there journey.City factories are being runned by these migrant workers who left there

To live in city or to move to village

I am confused in two things at the same time like my father between city and village,the idea here is now very clear which i have made by myself 1]Build a house in village - Go whenever you have time put some small business there  2]Plot and business in NOIDA as i would be staying here with my family  3]House and business Chandernagore near river view - visting during pooja and meetings with friends 4] Live and work with all these locations combine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority defined 1]House and buisiness in vaillage-10 lakh house 10 lakh business 2]Plot and business in NOIDA 3]Riverside house and business in Chandernagore

Atomic Habbits

Now reading Atomic Habbits its a book about putting good habbits in our life effortlessly. The Strategy they have used are pschologically tested are amazing. Till noe what i have understand 1]Embed habbit spiraly in dauly routine e.g when i wake from sleep i will do 10 pushups 2]I will read book after exercise or before going to bed

Malta Phua Blindness

Maltua phua is mine father's eldest sister misforune had always sorrounded her from the very beginning she lost her husband when she was very young and she did not have any child of her she askes me from my mother when i was born as phupaji showed her dream that i he is born in our house and i was born. She loves all of us all our brother sisters she used to bring gur and vinegar from her home in lalganj i also went once there why god is so cruel with someone so good in nature i did never understand it. She losts her one eye long time aho and now its the second eye which have stoped working after there was a eye surgery to change the lens.

Shifting to Village

I havve decided to shift to my village slowly with making investment in it and creating cashflow from NOIDA i decided to have a busisiness in NOIDA and control it from location of my choice wether its kolkata or matuli or anywhere around the world i would be an investor a writer and a businessmen who would travel and carries out his work from any place in the world. Mission would be to build one house in village and live there for sometie to study the market there and then start an enterprise. Bought a car to travel and learn more buiness and invetment trick.