
Showing posts from June, 2020

Life of a COMMONER

Today i dreamt an extremely differnet things  i saw myself in a camp in my kolkata were we are staying alotogether all people rich powerful and poor were are sleeping with our own sheets Amitabh Bachaan is also sleeping behind me i am crticzing him on every topic  that i m getting he is already upset with lot sof criticsm previusly  but he is sleeping when i wake uo in the mid of night to drink some water i saw the common bottle lying before him i saw water were spilled around it i took the bottle the bottle cap was not fittted properly so i began criticzing him that rich people do not care evern to fit the cap well and bla bla then i saw him and i told him sorry he told why you criticise me so much i when rich and poor both are human i told him rich are sitting at a high place were things ae more clearer and they are self made means thay were themself poor before becoming rich and so they should take care of others. All public was watching me thinking what the mess i have put myself i

Pyramid Model lifestyle for Success

Pyramid is such a structure that it had withstand century of turnmoil we should accept pyramid life style for our well being in this physical world. We have sorted 5 Dimension which we can include in our life to nake such a structure 1]Physical-Its iclused all physical activity,aerobic and yoga 2]Spritual-its inclued Meditaion,resilence,critical thinking.Pooja,Hawana etc 3]Mental Reading writing exploring new things and new subjects 4]Emotional-Connecting to other people emotionally,close relationship with family and friends 5]Socail-Giving back to society for free without expecting any return either helping orpahanage or teaching underpreveilage children or taking care of old and handicapped people or helping animals


Now i am reading REMINISCENCES OF A STOCK OPERATOR its a Story of a stock speculator his rise and fall and ultimately to his suicide its a book which i hope will teach me new things about life will keep notes and quote heere and will give my review on this book  It takes a man a long time to learn all the lessons of all his mistakes. They say there are two sides to everything. But there is only one side to the stock market; and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side. It took me longer to get that general principle fixed firmly in my mind than it did most of the more technical phases of the game of stock speculation. About tips on stock buy and sell A man must believe in himself and his judgment if he expects to make a living at this game. That is why I don't believe in tips. If I buy stocks on Smith's tip I must sell those same stocks on Smith's tip. I am depending on him. Suppose Smith is away on a holiday when the selling time comes around? No, sir,

Were to build our House

The most controversial topic for us is to were to make our house we are weighing some of the option like kolkata,Matuli,Gorakhpur,Khalilabd,Noida.These are all the possible locations we need to choose the best option in them i.e which is both feasible and good in long term. So lets choose one by one option first we will start with Kolkata were we are born and had our schooling. 1] Kolkata Why choose Our maternal uncle are living there as we have spend our childhood there so we have some emotional connection with it most of my friends are living there whom i can meet on daily basis and spend some good time with them.The dishes are awesome there the roll ,chicken pakora baudi chowmein surjo kumar modak rasgolla ,mritonjay sweets and kachori and other stuffs. What we will choose We will loose of Matuli land  and most of our relative are living there in Khalilabad and Gkp. We can start some small business there as the market is still growing and there is lots on untapped potenita

Hard Copy Vs Soft Copy Book

Hard vs Soft copy book is a great debate among itself  due to internet things have become very easy we can download any book in any corner of the world and have the store house of immense knowledge i would prefer that soft copy and better option as its a more greener way of gaining knowledge without cutting trees but i do have some setback as i do not help us emotionally connected to the topic which we are studying the feeling of touch with finger and writing holding a pen is a awsome things i help us to think rationally i also agree we can not have all hard copy of topic as we all do not have access to printer at home and were soft copy is the only option but then i will tell that one should takes notes on the topic and keep them maintain on there blog or in hand writing journals so to study the topic directly without beating the bush. So from now ownward i will keep notes so that i can read them directly when somethings in required on that topic. The books which i m currently re

Mid Cap

Mid cap share has rallied in past 3 months i could not see them as i was busy looking and index and option trading i m in the market through sip and mf. I have some mid cap share in my protofoilio just for checking the temperature in them and to benefits from sudden surge in mid cap and small cap the mid cap has almost become 5x i did not have large amount as its a luck only in future i will keep posted myself of small and mid cap share moments to make early profits in them