
Showing posts from December, 2023


Its a new year day 2024 arrives as usual years but has things changed for me have i shredded some habit and added the universe is control by nature of the elements like every thing is due to the nature now we can personified them and name them god this is what our mythology have done now Brahm is above all these . Now since nature do exist so there is Maya which helps in creating all this stories.There is myth that Moksha can only be attended when one dies its not true Moskha is possible only when we are alive how this its feels is a thing which i a topic of study for me.How it can be attended by physically attached to this world since we are bounded by Maya from all side and there is no escape from it if we leave Maya and ends this body then point of Moksha remains unattended as well. If i self introspect my life till now i would find that i have gone through different phases both of mind and body but the feeling and though that i have now i did not have that previously the life which

Dec 26-2023-Matuli-Days are passing very quick here

  Dec 26-2023-Matuli =============== Days are passing very quick here without being productive one thing i have seen changing in my body is that its again regaining its past vitality all my body ailments have gone here may be its due to being so close to nature and having so much moment in my body or may be due to skipping night shift.When the mind is relaxed its the best time and environment for productivity we can think clearly the water which keeps on vibrating is still and we can take most crucial decision at that time.The whole idea now is to choose a career which would excites me AI is such a thing which is appearing now apart from mine investment business which needs some concentrated work.Rakesh jhujunwala’s portfolio is 70 percent titan concentrated.Its great to see the morning sun its seems that when ever i welcome the sun with open arms and heart its too greets me in the same way.Nothing is gains here or loss only things to be sorted out what woks and what do

Its a opportunity or a messed situation for me – what i really wants to do with my life.

  25 Dec 2023 Matuli village =========== Its a opportunity or a messed situation for me – what i really wants to do with my life. I am i really messed up situation here i have loan of 5 lakh to be paid for house loan emi and 2 daughters with me i am without job right now the skills which i have is not so tough to acquire and anyone can easily work in my industry due to this mine industry is going through little tough situation and all these was not enough when mine industry is going through recession.Now i know a little about equity market investment and staffing industry equity market needs some time to get me a spectacular amount its a game of good choice adding positions to this choices and staying calm till the story is intact for which the company was brought. For day to day expenses i need some money which would be partially paid from my freelancing in staffing industry and learning some more skills which can support me in my part time from investing b

Professions Exagerated

 Do one subject have or one profession have more importance then other i think every professions which is doing good to humanity without compromising with the well being of flora,fauna and earth itself is an noble profession although money is required to stay in this society but money cannot be a sole selection of professions but it it would decide our profession than it would take most of the charms of life then we start to escape the profession on the pretext of holidays.That's the reason why today's generation are living in a world where they believe they need to party hard after they worked hard but these are the process of forgetting there mental exploitation that they have done to themself.Profession should be chosen such that one never recognize that one have worked in there entire life time just flew away and one is amazed when one gets pays for them.I like to connect things together and predict the future i would do this things without a single dine its my hobby to que

Will Humanity learn to keep company of itself

Life is too short to spend times on the things that is not important am i not obliged that i have born here have good education,house,land,family who take care of me one thing amazed me that people who have spend most of there youth in acquiring wealth without enjoying there life and who were ready to do anything for the well being of there family when they become old when they realize that everything they build will be going to destroy after there death since they were the sole creator and none will take that much emotional feelings in keeping the things rolling.The problem with human race now days is that its very difficult for them to do nothing and sit quietly which can not be avoided for ever one point of time he/she has to learn how to keep company of himself/herself.Does too much consumption of materialistic things are eating us from inside is there some correlation between high consumption and high depression.If have seen some cases where the servant and master are of same age
 Min daily routine herein Matuli is to wake at 3 clock and after doing all the normal routine work i look at LinkedIn sent email and inmail.Then i read Geeta for 1 hr and once the sun comes out i goes outside to have a view of this. Then i take neem leaf and take my laptop and do my normal work readings likeidn post and updating excel with indeed.I am trying to find some topic worth reading.

Never use rude words towards your parents

Is it proper to reply my parents with strong words when they are rebuking me for small things before others no its not OK.Its not OK because they have the right to do so since they have nurtured us from childhood days i may be that we made some materialistic progress with the facilities that they provided us but we must remember that they have limited days on earth with us the same story have been repeated in history we will also become parents and would do the same thing wont we would hurt to get rude reply from our children in the same way our parents are being hurt today.It do not meant that since we have automatic response to something so we need to use them on occasions.We build perception of the world as we our self are when we are good the world looks good and vice versa.


let define my problem i am working in staffing industry where we fill clients manpower demands  like clients wants 5 teacher for there school so we reach them and says we can fill your demands we will ask them do they wants to hire them on contract or FULL TIME and then we tell them our commission on FULL TIME on contract we include our pay rate while billing the client the teacher would be on our payroll for contracts work. Now this industry have 2 parts one is Sale and other is recruitment,there is scope on both the work for recruitment we need to have good database of ours and for sales we need to have good client acquisition skills. This industry falls in B2B category and all the process involved for growth will apply to this industry as well  


 I am opening school in next 5 years in Matuli with initial capital of 30 lakhs  we will grow it slowly working with my staffing business parallely. The staffing mkt is tight now but is improving slowly my investments in capital mkt are awesome now. 23 Jan 2027 School in matuli prepared